Tuesday 10 June 2008

My recommendation

After our IT classes when we learnt how to use iTunes (I hadn't known anything about podcasts before) I immediately started my 'iTunes spree'... :) Having searched through many various podcasts, I finally found something for me!!! And this was... a podcast with Spanish lessons for beginners, Coffee Break Spanish:) As I had always dreamt of learning Spanish, I tried to listen to the first lesson, which turned out to be a great fun!!! So now I listen to Coffee Break Spanish regularly. Learning Spanish in English is really amusing. The lessons last about 20 minutes. They are enjoyable and not too difficult and I can see I have made some progress since I started listening to the podcast (I had known only a few phrases before). I strongly recommend it to those who want to know at least some basic vocabulary and phrases in Spanish... It is updated every week, so there are still more and more lessons to discover and a lot to learn!

Tuesday 20 May 2008

My first computer experience :)

It is hard to say when it was... However, I remember one tragic event from my childhood. It was the day when my father bought me a new computer (although I don't remember what model it was). I was so happy to have it that I immediately decided to share my joy with my best friend. It was a cold winter day and everything was frozen. I ran so fast that I slipped on the icy pavement and fell on my face. I went back home crying with blood running from my nose. I had half of my face scratched. I ended up in a hospital in a deep shock and with a momentary loss of memory (e.g. I forgot where I was running, however I still remembered about the new computer - so it must have been really important for me then). So I am not sure whether this can be called my first computer experience, but this is the only thing that comes to my mind... :)